Unveiling the Heart of Steel Goat Marketplace – A Monthly Conversation

Unveiling the Heart of Steel Goat Marketplace – A Monthly Conversation

Dear Beloved Customers of Steel Goat Marketplace,

Welcome to the inaugural edition of our monthly blog series, “Letter to the Customers”! At Steel Goat, we’re not just a marketplace; we’re a vibrant community, and we want you to be part of every step we take. This series aims to open the doors to our world, providing a peek behind the curtains while engaging in a meaningful conversation with you.

Why This Series Matters:

Beyond the bustling aisles and vibrant displays, our marketplace beats with a heart fueled by community engagement, shared values, and a passion for craftsmanship. We strive to be more than just a destination for unique finds; we aim to be an integral part of your lives—a listening ear, a helping hand, and a beacon of inspiration.

What to Expect:

In our “Letter to the Customers” series, we invite you to join us on a journey of discovery and interaction. You can look forward to:

  • Behind-the-Scenes Insights: Discover the inner workings of Steel Goat Marketplace, from how products are curated to the stories behind our vendors.
  • Community Engagement: Explore the ways in which we aim to give back and contribute meaningfully to the community we cherish.
  • Upcoming Events and Workshops: Stay informed about the exciting events, workshops, and gatherings taking place in our marketplace.
  • Seasonal or Holiday Preparations: Gain insights into how we’re gearing up for celebrations and how you can be part of the festivities.
  • Interactive Content: Engage with polls, surveys, contests, and interactive content designed to spark conversations and gather your valued input.

Our Vision:

At the heart of Steel Goat Marketplace lies a commitment—to not just be a money-driven entity, but a member of the community in ways that truly count. We yearn for more than transactions; we aspire for connections. Your voices, ideas, and feedback are the catalysts that drive us forward.

As we unveil the curtains to this monthly conversation, we hope to foster an open dialogue. Your thoughts, your stories, and your presence enrich our marketplace in ways immeasurable.

So, dear customers, let’s embark on this journey together! Share with us, converse with us, and let’s create a vibrant, thriving community that extends far beyond our physical space.

With heartfelt regards,

Steel Goat Marketplace

Capturing the Beauty of Penn Hills: A Call to Photographers!

Capturing the Beauty of Penn Hills: A Call to Photographers!

Penn Hills, Pennsylvania—our home—is a tapestry of beauty woven through its landscapes, architecture, and the vibrant spirit of its people. At Steel Goat Marketplace, we’re deeply invested in celebrating the essence of our community, and what better way to do so than by showcasing it through your eyes?

Penn Hills: A Hidden Gem of Beauty

Nestled within this remarkable town lie hidden treasures waiting to be unveiled. From the picturesque parks to the bustling streets, the serene trails to the cozy nooks, Penn Hills is an artist’s canvas bursting with colors, waiting to be captured and shared.

Celebrating Penn Hills Through Photography

We believe that every corner of Penn Hills has a story, and we want to invite photographers of all levels to become storytellers through their lens. Whether you’re an amateur enthusiast or a seasoned professional, your perspective matters.

Your Lens, Your Perspective

Show us the Penn Hills you see. That captivating sunrise over a familiar street, the laughter echoing through a local park, the architectural wonder that catches your eye—every click of your camera preserves a moment, a memory, and a piece of our community’s beauty.

Join Us in Showcasing Penn Hills

We’re excited to feature your photography on our website, showcasing the stunning landscapes, hidden gems, and unique moments that define Penn Hills. Share your images with us, along with a brief caption describing where in Penn Hills the photo was taken.

How to Submit Your Photographs

  • Send your high-resolution photograph to [casperthompson91@gmail.com] with the subject line: “Penn Hills Photography Submission.”
  • Include your name, contact information, and a brief description of the photo (location and any special story behind it) in the email.
  • By submitting your photograph, you give us permission to feature it on our website (with proper credit given to the photographer).

Let’s Paint Penn Hills Together

Penn Hills, PA is not just a place; it’s a community bursting with life, stories, and beauty. Join us in celebrating this beauty through the lens of your camera. Together, let’s showcase the vibrant essence of Penn Hills that makes it such a remarkable place to call home.

Capture the beauty. Share the story. Show us Penn Hills through your lens.

Discovering Nature’s Wonders with Maria Wheeler-Dubas: A Beacon in Penn Hills

Discovering Nature’s Wonders with Maria Wheeler-Dubas: A Beacon in Penn Hills

Penn Hills, nestled in the heart of Western Pennsylvania, is home to a true advocate of nature education—Maria Wheeler-Dubas. As the founder and primary educator of Backyard Nature, Maria has dedicated over two decades to unveiling the marvels of the natural world to children and families. Her expertise, honed through an undergraduate degree and Ph.D. in biology, spans across diverse educational landscapes, including universities, zoos, museums, and botanic gardens.

A Champion of Accessibility

Maria’s passion lies in making nature education accessible to all. Through her programs at Backyard Nature, she prioritizes affordability and inclusivity, offering pay-as-you-can pricing. Embracing a spirit of community support, those interested in fostering nature education for everyone can contribute through donations.

Embarking on Learning Adventures

Maria offers an array of Learning Adventures that captivate the curious minds of families, schools, homeschooling groups, and any nature enthusiasts. From themed guided nature walks tailored to specific interests to immersive nature writing classes, she crafts experiences that resonate with each participant’s curiosity and passion for the outdoors.

Unveiling Nature’s Tapestry

Maria’s thematic guided nature walks are an invitation to explore the mysteries of Western Pennsylvania’s diverse ecology. Whether it’s birds, mammals, plants, or even the subtle hints left behind by nature like tracks and scat, each excursion promises a personalized journey complemented by engaging take-home elements.

Crafting Stories in Nature’s Embrace

The Nature Writing Class curated by Maria serves as a gateway to weaving narratives inspired by the natural world. These classes, available virtually or in-person, introduce participants to storytelling elements, writing mechanics, and the art of research, all while fostering a deeper connection with nature.

An Eclectic Curriculum

Backyard Nature’s curriculum spans a wide spectrum, from the foundational exploration of Pennsylvania’s wildlife to in-depth studies on animal behavior, ecology, climate change, and even media literacy in research. These sessions, adaptable to different age groups and interests, promise an interactive and enriching learning experience.

Embrace the Seasonal Charms

Maria’s seasonal offerings invite participants to delve into the unique wonders each time of the year presents. From unraveling the mysteries of migratory birds during fall flights to exploring the not-so-spooky side of nocturnal creatures, each seasonal session unfolds captivating narratives of nature’s adaptations and survival strategies.

Personalized Experiences

Beyond structured programs, Maria welcomes custom experiences, be it science tutoring or planning nature-themed birthday parties. Her dedication to personalized engagements underscores her commitment to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the natural world.

If you’re eager to join Maria Wheeler-Dubas on an enriching journey through the wonders of nature, consider participating in her upcoming Nature Writing Class at the Steel Goat Marketplace in Penn Hills. Hosted in the Goat House, the new mini-event center, this class promises an immersive experience, allowing you to step away from screens and bask in the beauty of nature while honing your storytelling skills.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore, learn, and connect with nature alongside a dedicated educator like Maria Wheeler-Dubas. Support her mission, embrace the outdoors, and discover the enchanting world that surrounds us all.

To learn more about Maria’s classes and Backyard Nature, visit Steel Goat Marketplace or reach out directly to Maria for a personalized experience.

Dear Penn Hills Community

Dear Penn Hills Community

Our Beloved Herd,

Greetings from the heart of Penn Hills, where the wind whispers tales of community strength and resilience! As we reflect on our journey, we find ourselves filled with immense gratitude for the beautiful tapestry that is our Penn Hills.

Penn Hills, you are a work in progress—a canvas being painted with love, effort, and the collective dreams of a community that believes in better days. In the midst of this canvas stands Steel Goat Marketplace, our humble abode at 200 Jefferson Road—a vibrant green building that beckons with stories, creativity, and the spirit of Penn Hills.

From our roots as Penn Hills Lawn and Garden, a garden center that bloomed with the seasons, we’ve evolved into Steel Goat Marketplace—a bustling haven for over a hundred vendors, crafters, creators, and artisans. The journey has been one of transformation, and every step has been taken with the heart of Penn Hills in mind.

Having a building on the main road into Penn Hills is not just about bricks and mortar—it’s about being a beacon of possibility and a space where small businesses find their wings. Steel Goat Marketplace is not just a marketplace; it’s a celebration of Penn Hills’ creativity and the beating heart of our community.

To our loyal customers and cherished herd members, we owe our deepest gratitude. Your unwavering support has fueled this transformation, and for that, we extend our heartfelt thanks. As we continue to grow and thrive, we invite you to be a part of our journey in a special way.

Here’s our call to action: Let’s share the joy of Steel Goat Marketplace with the world. Bring a friend, neighbor, or loved one to our store. Spread the word like wildfire—tell the tales of strolling through a marketplace where every item carries the spirit of our community, not just cold products from a faceless store.

Penn Hills, let’s make every corner of our community resonate with the warmth and vibrancy that is Steel Goat Marketplace. Together, let’s paint a story of community love, creativity, and shared dreams.

With love and gratitude,

The Steel Goat Marketplace Family 🐐✨

Ladies Night at Steel Goat Marketplace

Ladies Night at Steel Goat Marketplace

The Steel Goat Marketplace (SGM) has been hosting Ladies Night for over a year now and those who have not yet attended are missing a terrific time. Held the first Thursday of each month from 4 PM to 8PM, the Goat is buzzing with shoppers seeking out offered discounts; sipping sangria; sampling homemade pies or cookies and chatting with friends they arrived with or just met along the way. The atmosphere is always welcoming and friendly. Walking around the two large floors and browsing the over 120 vendors, customers discover endless treats and treasures. There is not enough space to list all of the finds within the Marketplace but when walking around the aisles, some of what will be found is a huge selection of plants with a variety of containers in which to grow them; jewelry of all sorts, including funky and teen-approved; handcrafted hair bows; floral arrangements in silk and fresh; wooden creations for outdoor and indoor; upcycled furniture and accessories; vintage and antique finds and so much more. When shopping is complete, there are still vendors providing demos of their craft. It is doubtful that any lady coming on this night or any other time, leaves the Goat empty handed. And if by chance they do exit without a purchase, they still leave with a sampling of wonderful snacks and drink and a new friend or two or three. And the desire to return the next month on the first Thursday.

by Susan Freer

Formerly the Penn Hills Lawn and Garden Center

Formerly the Penn Hills Lawn and Garden Center

Since 1984 Penn Hills Lawn and Garden has been serving the community. As all things do, we needed to change with the times. Big box stores started carrying trees, plants, and shrubs at a capacity and price we just could not complete with anymore. Not to mention our customer base only came in a couple times a year for a hobby that has also suffered at the hands of inflation. It’s painful when loyal customers would come to seek advice from our experts just to leave the store for a cheaper product elsewhere. We can’t blame you, its a sign of the times but we had to make a change in order to survive. Those who were familiar with Penn Hills Lawn & Garden know the building we know as Steel Goat Marketplace was erected in 2007. While the bottom floor has always been dedicated to plants and plant care the top had the potential to be so much more! Ideas on what to use for the space came and went but one had ultimately stuck around, an idea that would change the very landscape of our business plan; WHAT IF we allowed local crafters to have a space to sell from. WHAT IF, we took a chance on the people of the communities who took a chance on us? Thus, Steel Goat Marketplace was born, a place where you can shop local crafters, creators, collectors, artisans and more! We had no idea where SGM was headed, we just knew that what we were doing was having a positive impact on those who decided to vend with us. Finally, a place where your small business could sell without the headache of worrying about managing a brick-and-mortar store. Leave that to us! During the Covid Pandemic we decided that Penn Hills Lawn and Garden would be no more, and Steel Goat Marketplace was officially in charge! The past few years have been a challenge but one that we face head on with a courageous smile! We get to be the reason a mom and pop business receive more exposure, we get to be the reason, a small start-up makes its first sale, and most of all we get to a positive change in the community we call home. Penn Hills and the surrounding communities: Thankyou for allowing us to serve you!

Dig For Hidden Treasures From More Than 60 Vendors At The Steel Goat Marketplace In Pittsburgh